Spoiler alert: Travis Matthews is 22 years old.

I tell you this now so you can avoid the shock of finding out later, once you’ve heard the subtleties of his smooth vocal delivery or witnessed the unflappable confidence he brings to the stage.

I saw this week’s Listen Local pick play at a Soft March show. Travis Matthews was our opener. He’s funny and captivating. He’s got great stage banter. At one point he invited a girl up on stage who’d been dancing her way through every song. She became his improv backup dancer for the rest of the night – even through a slower, sadder song – and Travis was unshaken.

I look forward to catching Travis live again soon, because it seems he’s always ready to put a smile on his audience’s face. And we could all use a few more smiles.

Just look at this video he filmed recently with his dad. It’s wacky. Silly. Too excellent to ignore. Totally Travis Matthews.

You can find Travis Matthews on Spotify here or follow his adventures on Facebook here.

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