Day 7:
Artist’s Life
I can’t believe I forgot to introduce you to this kind, generous artist on our first stop in New Mexico. Get ready for a beautiful story. Oh … I’m sure that’s just the desert dust in my eye.
Song Story
I wanted an artist life
Not to just be somebody’s wife
I laid it all on the line
The day that I met you
You said “yeah that’s ok
I want it just the same
A woman who stokes a fire
That’s burning clear and true”
You said you saw something
Just like the future
When you looked into my eyes
I painted what my heart could see
I was showing in galleries
The colours bled out of me
A burst of love and life
Got pregnant in early June
you said “do what you want to do”
So I made a life with you
My masterpiece
‘Cause I saw something
Just like the future
When I looked into your eyes Yeah I saw something
Just like the future
When I looked into your eyes
Vacations in Santa Fe
It always starts out that way
This land calls out to wild hearts
Hungry for a home
So we settled on Summer drive
I’d never felt so alive
I lost you the next year
And I never thought to leave
Now I rent the old house out
The one that we dreamed about
My paintings are hanging
Silently upon the walls and our
Daughter lives down the way
We have coffee everyday
And sometimes the words she’ll say
Are echoes of yours
And I see something
Just like the future
When I look into her eyes
Yeah I see something
Just like the future
When I look into her eyes
Has your journey taken any unexpected turns? How do you feel about those in hindsight?
Photo Album

Track by Track
One of the simpler arrangements on Long For This World, this recording is about what isn’t there as much as what is. What do you hear? What don’t you?
Wear headphones for the best experience.
Points of Interest
Extra versions, music videos, behind the scenes and more – every stop has its hidden gems.
Live Performance Video
Filmed in my home studio and livestream concert venue, Bow Tie HQ 🙂
Artist’s Guitar Version
I recorded this on July 22, 2019 – the day I borrowed the guitar. It’s different from the final version, but that guitar sounds great.
We’re almost done our time together travellers – just three more stops. Would you have done things differently?
Your tour guide,
Von Bieker