Broken Down is the first in my Demo Series – tracks released before fully finished as an invitation to collaboration with other artists.
These past couple of years, we’ve all watched a friend suffer and probably felt helpless about it. I wrote Broken Down about this experience – about what I’d say to friends who are struggling if I could. If the moment was right. If words were all it took.
Of course, I also wrote this song for myself, because these are things I need to hear. I don’t think I’m alone.
The song is a mid-winter reminder to take the pressure off ourselves and allow ourselves to accept our limitations and the help of those around us.
Cool your jets. Take a breath. Hush.
Cool your jets girl
It’s not giving up girl
It’s just sitting out a round
You can’t fool your friends girl
We’ve all been watching you
We know that you’re struggling
It’s not easy
To watch you be
Broken down
It’s not easy
To watch a friend be
Broken down
Over and over again
So take a breath boy
It’s okay to rest, boy
It’s okay to quiet down
I know you’re supposed to be so strong, boys
But for how long, boys
It’s too long already now
It’s not easy
To watch you be
Broken down
It’s not easy
To watch a friend be
Broken down
Over and over again
Over and over again
Over and over again
Von Bieker – all instruments and vocals, recording, mixing, and mastering (Edmonton, Alberta)